5 Questions that You Must ask Before Hiring a Hospitality Interior Designer
5 Questions that You Must ask Before Hiring a Hospitality Interior Designer by MRA Design / with 0 comments

Are you thinking of hiring an interior designer for your hospitality business?

Well, when you think of renovating your hospitality business, which includes restaurant, nightclub, retail store and hotel renovation, it is essential that you ask a few questions to the potential designers.

Hiring a hospitality interior designer is a daunting task which is also a lengthy one. But before you sign an agreement with a pro, see to their specialization, payment structure and if they are the right choice for you. Hence, we are exploring a few questions that you need to ask an interior designer:

1. How much is your fees and what is your pay structure?

Before you move forward, you need to ensure that money doesn’t go beyond your budget. What exactly you are getting from the fee you are paying. Just do your homework like you would before any other purchase. Find a fee that you are comfortable with paying and offers qualitative service too.

Usually designers charge either by the hour or by the room. By hour charges can add up very quickly, so by room fee structure is a much better option.

2. What is your style?

Before you go on about finding an interior designer's specialization and style, first figure out your design style. Once you have done this, search for designers with similar styles. Check out their portfolio and social media. Ask those designers about their work and specialization. If they say they can do it all, you better reach out to another designer as you don’t want someone who is the jack of all trades but a master of none!

3. Can you show me some samples?

You wanna make sure the interior designer your are interviewing has the experience with the kind of budget, style and rooms required for your project. Ask the shortlisted designers for the pictures, success stories and obstacles that they may have encountered in such projects. Get all the information that you need to get more comfortable with your interior design project.

4. What is your communication process and timeline?

Virtual design companies have a lot of designers working for them, that communicates with the clients through their online platform. This means there are chances of technical glitches or messages getting lost. You should be able to have a clear and flexible communication with your interior designer via phone calls, email or video calls.

Also, be clear regarding the timeline of your project i.e if the designer will complete it in phases or all at once. It will help you stay realistic with your project.

5. Do you have any references and testimonials?

Just like any potential employer, ask the designer for a list of references. Talk to their current and past clients about how well they executed the project. Also ask  their employees regarding how they handle a tight deadline or the pressure. Through this all, you will get to know how is it to work with them.

An interior designer can help you achieve the result that you want while keeping you from making any costly mistakes. Just make sure that your designer is asking you all the right questions. If you are looking for a interior designer for your hospitality business, get in touch with our professionals today!